Lots of times, girls get weird when they like someone.... Watch out for lots of giggling, strangely random compliments, etc.
the first girlsaid no, so why not? ask the friend.
UMMM? that's kinda weird? actually very weird
no so what if he weird
its not weird its just a love triangle more like a love square, that's sort of weird
yes and no. its weird if the girl thinks your just friends. but if your her boy friend or someone she's close to, then it's totally not weird at all. :) hope this can help you :D
It isn't to weird for a girl to ask but its a free country, so be crazy and ask that question girl.
You just used it!!! Haha But... That girl is so weird There's a weird smell in here How weird is that?
2 make you laugh i guess because i have this 1 Friend that she always act weird or if you friend a boy den he like you if its a girl den she like you the same gender making you laugh
If the girl likes it, then she should follow her likes, so no, it's not weird!!!!
Does it mean she likes you..could be, probably not. Maybe shes annoyed you would be talking to another girl then her..she is your friend
No it wouldn't. My friend drew a really good picture of me, and she gave it to me as a gift! So it's not weird.
Because Ben have an alien watch