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Q: Is it true that covering your nose and mouth to prevent germs?
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What can germs do?

Germs are microorganisms that can cause infections and diseases in humans. They can spread through direct contact, airborne particles, contaminated surfaces, or contaminated food and water. It is important to practice good hygiene, such as washing hands regularly and covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, to prevent the spread of germs.

Why is it good to breath through nose than to the mouth?

when you breath through your nose you catch more of the germs trying to enter your body on the hairs in your nose. when you breath through your mouth there is much less protection against germs

Is a mouth dirtier than a nose?

your mouth has about 50 million different germs and bacteria in it so your mouth is probably dirtier

How do you prevent respiratory diseases?

The number one way is to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze! You can also wear a mask if you are sick.Also, wash your hands frequently so you don't put them up to your nose or mouth and breathe in germs.

Why should you wash your hands when you sneeze?

we cannot control it when suddenly expel air from the nose and mouth due to irritation of the nostrils. we have to keep handkerchief on the nose and mouth

Can you get germs from sharing bar soap?

Not if it's in water or you don't put it in your mouth or nose.

Can you spread germs by breathing?

Yes you can. Some germs can survive in the microscopic water droplets that are propelled out of the nose or mouth when we breathe, therefore spreading the germs. How long the germs live is dependant on what the virus is, however.

How does throwing away tissues after you blow your nose prevent risk of disease?

You want to prevent the germs from the tissue from connecting with any other person. Throwing the tissue away prevents the spread of germs.

Why is breathing through the nose more important than breathing through the mouth?

The germs in the air go through the hair in your nose and get caught in it, when they go through your mouth the bacteria is heading into your lungs and drys out your mouth if you sleep breathing through your mouth.

Why should you breath with your nose not with your mouth?

Your nose is much better at protecting your body from germs due to hair follicles and mucus. Your mouth does not contain these defense mechanisms and is therefore more susceptible to infections.

How do you prevent H1N1?

Wash your hands often, don't drink out of someone elses water bottle, covering your mouth when coughing or snezing, avoiding touching of the eyes, nose, or mouth, avoid contact with sick people, and avoid big crowds.

How does throwing away tissues after blowing your nose helps to prevent the disease?

reduces the spread of bacteria and germs