No , it is not safe - let me tell you why- the lemon actually dries out your skin- depending on how sensitive your skin is- it might burn, sting or create a rash .. or if your skin is not sensitive at all , then maybe it will not have any affect
think so
use lemon juice daily on the face.. it works
Just use water, Noxima, cucumber, lemon, daily face wash, and drink water
Yes they are perfectly safe to use daily. If you do choose to use them on a daily basis then try the unscented ones.
No. If it was safe, then it wouldn't be expired.
Well... Use Lemon Juice On Your Face
it is safe to use vinegar, because it has low acidity, gust like lemon and orange.
use lemon juice or talcum powder
By using lemon juice with shugat and rub the desired area, daily for 5 minutes for 2 weeoks.
Yes, they have made this product so it is safe to use on a daily basis.