no, its very bad especially if your pregnant. side effects can be very deadly.
Can you take protonix and benadryl onix
If you opened the original container, and if it is not expired, then yes it is safe to take.
No! I had this same question and called the pharmacy. They said that most medications are safe to take if they are expired, however, expired Lyrica is extremely dangerous.
After I take the cipro can I take protonix
You should consult your Dr, but most will say never take expired medicine.
No. If it was safe, then it wouldn't be expired.
You should not take any medications or dietary supplements that have expired.
no you will get very sick
Expired medicines should ALWAYS be thrown out. They are relatively inexpensive to replace and not worth the risk of taking an expired medication.
You can take anything you want any time....if it works or not depends on your state of mind....
non expired beef stock is not safe if not handled properly so you can imagine expired stock.
No It is never safe to take medication that has gone past its expiry date