Unless you're talking about Tylenol (TM) or Advil (TM), absolutely not!
Opiate painkillers like morphine, codeine, heroin, oxycodone, hydromorphone, hydrocodone, etc. are central nervous system depressants, while Ecstacy, or MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is a central nervous system stimulant of the amphetamine class.
They are polar opposites in types of medications, and taking them together makes them clash and causes all sorts of side effects and problems, and is very dangerous.
Not to mention the dangers of ecstasy .....
Just to be safe I stopped taking provigil two days before using ecstasy. I didn't have any issues.
depends on the pill. 2-4 hrs
No it thins the blood
Mixing them is as safe as taking the ecstasy in itself. Cannabis never potentiates anything (mental potentiation aside). It's really a great combo. Have fun!
If you can sit still long enough, i would think so.
Its problably not safe, although im sure its been done.
Both are stimulants and both are amphetamines. Adding Adderall (basically speed) to ecstasy is not safe and is definitely not recommended. This could potentially lead to death, especially if the dosage of either one or both of the drugs is high.
If by okay you mean safe, then no. There are too many additives in most ecstasy to make an informed decision. Your safe bet is to stay away from any chemicals that are "cut." That being said, there is no way of knowing how your body will react. If you are still not swayed, then at least try taking a small amount (like half (or maybe even a quarter) of a tablet) before you decide to just pop five rolls and hit the club