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Mixing them is as safe as taking the ecstasy in itself. Cannabis never potentiates anything (mental potentiation aside). It's really a great combo. Have fun!

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Q: Is it safe to mix marijuana and ecstasy?
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Is it safe to mix codeine with marijuana?

when it contains marijuana, its never "safe"

What happens if ecstasy is combined with another drug that has the opposite effect?

Marijuana and ecstasy is not a bad idea because, ecstasy is a stimulant. So, getting OVER stimulated is not a good thing. The marijuana is a downer so, it will keep your heart at a normal rate.Ecstasy is like acid and cocaine mixed. You trip and stay awake. Good Luck! Be safe and have fun. DON'T MIX ANY OTHER DRUG WITH ECSTASY THOUGH!!!! ONLY MARIJUANA!!!

Mixing marijuana with another drug?

Marijuana is usually safe to mix with other drugs, if you are experienced with both.

Common drugs that are abused?

marijuana sleeping pills cocaine and ecstasy marijuana sleeping pills cocaine and ecstasy

How can Ecstasy be enhanced?

Ecstasy is a hallucinogen, and so is marijuana, so, smoking weed while on Ecstasy will enhance the high. Alcohol should be avoided, as it will kill the Ecstasy high.

Is it safe to take azo while on ecstasy?

yes azo is for uti (urinary track infections) ive used it to remove marijuana from my system for drug tests...

What is the strongest illicit Substance?

Cocaine Marijuana Ecstasy Shrooms LSD

Will ecstasy show up in a marijuana urine test?

no if it's just a marijuana test than it will be testing for THC mdma

Can you mix Prozac Xanax and marijuana?

You're free to mix anything you want to mix, any time you want to mix it. But that doesn't necessarily mean that it would never be a foolish thing to do, or that it would never hurt you, make you sick, or kill you.

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Can ecstasy make you gain weight?

Ecstasy actually will make you lose weight. The methanphetamine in ecstasy makes it highly addictive. Unlike marijuana, ecstasy makes you not want to eat for many hours. So the more you take ecstasy, the less you'll eat.

How do you overcome the negativity of taking ecstasy?

Drink plenty of water and smoke marijuana.