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that sucks! 3 weeks would be fairly irregular, but I would see a doctor just in case. *** Not at all! If your periods continue for more than a week, ideally it is not ok. If this happens for more than two consecutive months, you need to see a doctor. Also in teenage years, it is quite possible that you may have irregular periods due to hormonal changes. Even in that case, you should see a doctor.

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15y ago

Yes, that is perfectly normal. However...if you have had sexual intercourse, you may (and more than likely) pregnant. Go see a doctor. But like i said, if you havent "done it," its just a weird but normal vacation from your monthly friend.

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Q: Is it okay to have your period for two months?
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What does it mean if you haven't had your period for two months?

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Yes you can have your period!

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A bimester is a period of two months.

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that's a sign of the period coming either after 8 months since it's beginning or 16 months and that's okay it happens with every girl :) and it will keep happening even when you have the period . so don't worry .

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Stress will do that to you.

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Yes. It is possible.

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Two Months.

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I would say not to take any medicine after it has expired to be safe, but ask your doctor.

What is the cause for you to miss your period for two months?

you may be pregnant!

Can you go two months with a period and then not have one the next?

Yes you can.