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If you eat a thanksgiving sized portion then yes. If it was a normal meal then no i would say your anorexic

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Q: Is it normal to want to throw up after you overeat?
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Is it normal to throw up bright red blood?

You probably don't want to hear this but definitely not.

Is it okay to want to throw up while having mingraines?

yes it is normal to want to throw up while having a mingraine. if the mingraine is bad enough you will eventually throw up so stay close to a bathroom and drink lots of water and rest as much as you can.

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Is it normal when you Sims throw up several times when they are pregnant?


If you eat avocado with milk do you throw up?

No exactly, no. While that's not an appetizing or "normal" food combination, it won't exactly make you throw up.

Why do babies engage in behaviors that may lead to them making themselves throw up?

Babies may engage in behaviors that lead to them making themselves throw up because they are exploring their environment and learning about cause and effect. They may not understand the consequences of their actions and are curious to see what happens when they put things in their mouth or overeat.

Where can you throw up when in a park or woods?

If you are in a park you try to throw up on the animals so the animals eat it. If your in the woods you want to throw up on the fire so the fire burns it away.

Is throwing up stomach acid normal during pregnancy?

yes its very normal ive had 3 children and ive throw up loads

Is it normal to throw up all the time and lose appetite while pregnant?

During the first trimester, it is usually normal.

Is it normal to throw up all the time on your period?

No, you need to go to the doctor and discuss it.

Why does a parakeet throw up?

they do that because they want to show that they respect you.

Is it normal for my 4 month old baby to throw up a lot?

It depends, if you feed him/her a lot of breastfeeding, the baby can throw up regularly, but if you are suspicious that this is not the case, then it isn't normal. The best thing to do is to refere this to your doctor so he can see what the problem is.