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Well if you've had sex, you're not a virgin. If you bleed after sex, he's probably doing it too hard.

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Q: Is it normal to bleed after sex and am not a virgin and pluse am on the pill?
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Is it normal to bleed heavily for the first three weeks while on the pill?

No this isn't normal. See your doctor about changing the pill.

Is it normal to bleed a lot after taking a pill to stop your pregnancy?

A pill to stop your pregnancy means you had an abortion.It is very normal to bleed a lot during an abortion, this is the pregnancy expelling itself.

Is it normal to bleed more than seven days while on the Yaz birth control pill?

Yes it can be normal. But if it lasts more than that I suggest going to a doctor. Some women bleed more when they first start the pill. But then after taking it for a few months their period gets lighter.

You had your menstruation on August 25 then you had your cycle again on September 5 was it normal after you stopped taking the pill?

yes it is normal. Your body is adjusting to not receiving the hormones from the pill. Though if you bleed for a long time, or bleed again in a few days I suggest going to your doctor because soemthing could be wrong.

Why didn't i bleed after taking the pill?

can you start to bleed after just taking one contraceptive pill?

You were on the pill for 4 years and you recently got off of it you had a period after you got off of it but this month you havent got one yet is that normal?

Yes this is normal. The period you had was the withdrawal bleed.

Why would you bleed while taking the pill?

You will bleed for the following reasons: * Missed pill(s) * Pregnancy * Recently took MAP * UTI

Is it normal to bleed in between periods while being on the pill?

dont be harmed if you are bleeding in between your periods while you are on the pill, because it could also be an effect for first time users for the pill.. if you are still curiouse, i would advise you to speak to your doctor

Is it normal to bleed everytime you miss one birthcontrol pill?

Some women bleed every time they miss one pill. If that's a problem for you, a change in pill brands may help. But if you're missing so often that you had to ask this question, you might be better off considering a method that doesn't require you to remember something every day.

I have been on the pill for 8 months now. I just got my period 12 days early. I did miss a pill last month while having the stomach flu and then one this week. Can this be normal to get period early?

Yes, it is normal to get a withdrawal bleed if you miss a pill.On the pill you do not menstruate, the bleeding you experience is a withdrawal bleeds caused by the drop in synthetic hormones when going from active to inactive pills. At any point when there is a drop in synthetic hormones, such as missing a pill, it can trigger your withdrawal bleed.

If you intentionally skipped your period while on the pill when can you expect your next period?

If you're using the combination pill then you don't get a period, instead you experience a withdrawal bleed as a result of a drop in synthetic hormones when going from your active to inactive pills. If you skipped your last withdrawal bleed this doesn't effect your next withdrawal bleed, you will get it as normal during your next placebo week.

Is it normal to spot while on the sugar pills?

The birth control pill can make the lining of the uterus thinner, and so you don't bleed as much during the pill-free week. Sometimes it's just spotting.