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can you start to bleed after just taking one contraceptive pill?

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Q: Why didn't i bleed after taking the pill?
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How long will you bleed after you stop taking the pill?

a week

Why would you bleed while taking the pill?

You will bleed for the following reasons: * Missed pill(s) * Pregnancy * Recently took MAP * UTI

Is it normal to bleed a lot after taking a pill to stop your pregnancy?

A pill to stop your pregnancy means you had an abortion.It is very normal to bleed a lot during an abortion, this is the pregnancy expelling itself.

I took the pill for a week and then i stopped taking it and i was bleeding for 3 days was that a period?

No. What you had was called a 'Withdrawl Bleed'. Had you taken the pill for the entire duration of the course (21 days) you would have had a longer withdrawl bleed. If you have now discontinued taking the pill you will have a regular period shortly, which may be slightly heavier than you would normally have.

Do you bleed when your boyfriend fingers you?

i didnt bleed.

If you are on a birth control pill and will be having your period while on vacation can you stop taking the pill to change the time of your period?

If you stop taking the pill immediately, you will bleed within a couple of days. Of course you will not be protected against pregnancy then. If you have time (and can take other birth precautions) stop taking the pill now, and you will bleed, then you will have your period before you go on vacation and be fine for the vacation time. If you are taking a higher dosage pill (30 or 50 mg) you can try and "skip" your period by not taking the "sugar" pills in the packet. These are the seven pills you take when you have your period. Usually you take these last in a month's packet. By not taking these pills, and moving straight onto a new packet and the active pills, most women dont bleed at all and therefore can go months between periods. Of course it will depend on how strong the pills are against your body's normal hormones. I was taking 20mg dosage pill, and when I tried to skip a period, I instead got a very light flow for three weeks! Eeck! A stronger dosage will make sure you don't bleed.

Is it normal to bleed more than seven days while on the Yaz birth control pill?

Yes it can be normal. But if it lasts more than that I suggest going to a doctor. Some women bleed more when they first start the pill. But then after taking it for a few months their period gets lighter.

How long do your nipples bleed when you get them pierced?

mine didnt bleed at all

You had your menstruation on August 25 then you had your cycle again on September 5 was it normal after you stopped taking the pill?

yes it is normal. Your body is adjusting to not receiving the hormones from the pill. Though if you bleed for a long time, or bleed again in a few days I suggest going to your doctor because soemthing could be wrong.

I usually have regular periods however missed a pill then had symptoms of pregnancy so stopped taking the pill for a week. I then began bleeding one week before i was due my p then didnt come on?

didnt have enough room to type everything. I missed a pill or two and thought i could be pregnant so was advised no stop taking the pill as it could possibly harm the baby. However, a week before iw as due my period i bega n bleeding for about 3 days which felt like a normal period however didnt last aslong and was heavier and was abit abnormal. Then the week i was due i didnt come on. Could it mean when i stopped taking my pill i came on as i usually would after my 21 pills or could it be something else rather than a period?

Why do you bleed for three weeks after taking seasonique for two months?

Hello, Your question is: Why do you bleed for three weeks after taking seasonique for two months? This usually occurs when the birth control pill you're currently taking is not suitable for you. By this I mean the doseage may be too high or too low or it isn't working as well as a different birth control pill would. See your Doctor about this and consider changing your birth control pill. Please note this is advice only and should not be used in place of a Doctors evaluation.

If you stop taking your birth control pill then start bleeding can you still get pregnant?

The bleeding is the withdrawal bleed and is normal. This occurs when you stop taking birth control for over a few days. You can become pregnant.