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It wont do you any harm - apart fromt he risk of scalding if the water is too hot.

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Q: Is it harmful to drink hot water?
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Why is it harmful to drink sea water?

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No, it is not safe for dogs to drink water from a dehumidifier as the water collected may contain harmful contaminants or chemicals that can be harmful to their health. It is best to provide fresh, clean water for your dog to drink.

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No, cats should not drink salt water as it can be harmful to their health.

Can cats safely drink salt water?

No, cats should not drink salt water as it can be harmful to their health.

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Can demineralized water kill you?

No, demineralized water is not harmful to drink and will not kill you.

Why water polluted harmful?

polluted water has some chemicals that are harmful to our bodies...if we drink that water,it may cause some diseases^^

Why should we not drink cold water in puberty?

It doesnt affect much whether you drink hot or cold water. Ayurveda tells that drinking hot water helps digest properly. Maybe that's why drink hot water.

Is hot tap water safe to drink?

No, never drink hot tap water, but cold tap water is actually really healthy for you!

Did my cat drink lemon water?

It is not recommended for cats to drink lemon water as it can be harmful to their digestive system. It is best to provide fresh water for your cat to drink.