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We live by drinking water. Why drink oil? its harmful

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Q: Why is water healthy to drink and not oil?
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Related questions

What is the most healthy drink?

The most healthy drink is water. Water is the gateway to the rest of your body and it keeps you hydrated. It is very important to drink plenty of water.

If you drink water and eat no food is that healthy?

No because nothing get in your stomach plus water fill you up if you eat something healthy and drink water that would be healthy

What do bunnies drink to stay hydrated and healthy?

Bunnies drink water to stay hydrated and healthy.

How do you live a healthy?

Eating healthy diet is the most important part of healthy lifestyle like eat low fat foods, drink lots of water , choose healhty cooking oil esp cholesterol free say Canola oil

What is the healthy amount of water to drink?

2 gallons for healthy eye sight

Why drink so much water?

It is important to drink water to keep hydrated. The human body is mostly water, so it is necessary to drink enough water to stay healthy.

Healthy lipids for a healthy diet?

Water milk fruit smothies anything natrual, id drink water all the time with ever meal its the healthist thing to drink

Why It Is Necessary To Drink Water?

It is necessary to drink water because it keeps the body hydrated and healthy. The human body depends on water to survive.

Is hot tap water safe to drink?

No, never drink hot tap water, but cold tap water is actually really healthy for you!

How do you keep the urinary system healthy?

Drink enough water

What is the best drink for you?

Water. It is pure and really healthy. Try to drink alot of water, but not too much. Another drink which is high in antioxidants is called POM.

How can be rich in satanism?

Drink plenty of water and keep a healthy diet.