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i think you are worrying to much about your husband cheating if you are having dreams. But whatever your dreams, it is not considered cheating, i think you need to trust him more, and relax.

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Q: Is it cheating if you constantly have dreams of your husband cheating on you?
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Should you stay with your husband he constantly accuses you of cheating on him?

no because he is to good for you you cheating scum

Why do you dream that your husband is cheating on you?

Dreams you have usually come out on other people , meaning that perhaps maybe someone else's husband is cheating on them

What dream would you have to let you know that your husband was cheating on you?

Don't count on dreams with such a serious issue such as your husband cheating on you. The subconscious can pick up many things during a given day or, you even watch something on TV where a husband has cheated on his wife and if you are not confident in yourself you could have a dream where your husband is cheating. If you want to know for sure because you heavily suspect he is then sit down and talk it over (good communication skills.) It is probably not likely he is cheating.

For the past week iv been having pregnancy dreams and i gave birth only once and named him Nick then my dream flashd to 'my' wedding were i found the husband cheating on me. what does ALL this mean?

it could possibly be meaning that your husband is cheating and has gotten another woman pregnant.

Cockate - A husband with a cheating wife?

No. A husband with a cheating wife is called a cuckold.

Is it normal for a wife to constantly tell her husband that he is cheating when it is not happening?

No that is wreckless jealousy. If that doesn't stop the marriage will not last, if she does not trust you she shoul dnot have married you. Tell her that everytime she accuses you of cheating that you are going to cheat two times.

What does it mean if husband has dreams you are cheating on him?

The husband's dreams express the husband's feelings without revealing any factual information about the spouse. On the one hand, the subconscious mind can detect subtle clues and patterns of behavior that might be overlooked by the conscious mind, then put that information together in a dream. On the other hand, the "cheating" might be symbolic, representing time and attention spent on work, family, shopping or other things, instead of being focused on the husband.

Is it cheating when your husband meets with a married woman to talk about his marriage and find out later she is attracted to him?

that just means that the lady is cheating on her husband to be with your husband

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Should I tell the other womans husband she is cheating?

Definitely yes

If you husband is cheatin on you?

You haven't finish the question. If your husband is cheating on you then.......

How can you tell if your husband is cheating you with his ex?

Your husband can show various signs when he is cheating. He might be mentioning his ex in various matters.