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Q: Is it bad to sweat when you have a cold?
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Why was I having a bad dream and sweating excessively and felt cold at the same time?

This symptom is caused from a fear factor. You sweat because you were scared(or fear) and because sweat takes away body temperature, you feel cold( because your body sweat out of fear in normal temperature).

Is it bad to run in the cold?

The reason why it is considered bad is because while you run, you get hot and sticky which causes you to sweat. And while your sweating the cold gets at it and you may become sick! Hope that helped! :)

What is a cold sweat?

A cold sweat is when the body sweats in response to stress or fear, causing the skin to feel cold and clammy. It is a natural physiological response to a perceived threat, causing the body to cool down in anticipation of a fight-or-flight reaction.

Is it bad to swallow sweat?

no but its gross because sweat is pee but sweat wont harm you

What happens when you exercise and sweat an d you don't dry off the sweat?

When you exercise and you don't drie off the sweat nothing Happens i think your sweat eventually evaporates .. its not bad or anything but if you don't sweat at all that's bad .!

Which late rhythm and blues singer had a hit with Cold Sweat?

James Brown was the famous late rhythm and blues (R&B) singer, who had a hit with his song, Cold Sweat. The song Cold Sweat was first released in July 1967.

Does a horses sweat more when the horses get cold?


Can cold-blooded animals sweat?

Cold-blooded animals do not sweat like warm-blooded animals do. They regulate their body temperature by basking in the sun or seeking shade to warm up or cool down, respectively. Some cold-blooded animals, like reptiles, may also rely on behaviors such as burrowing or seeking shelter to maintain their body temperature.

Is it bad that people cant sweat?

Check a site called sweat solutions for your answer.

How do you control sweat?

You stay in a cold area and eat cold drinks and food

What is it that cold blooded animals cannot do?

Cold-blooded animals cannot sweat, for instance.

Why does wind feel cold on your skin?

actually wind is not cool........ its the sweat on our body make us feel it cold. bcoz sweat gets evaporated when wind flows.