

Is it bad to swallow sweat?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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13y ago

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no but its gross because sweat is pee but sweat wont harm you

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Q: Is it bad to swallow sweat?
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When you exercise and you don't drie off the sweat nothing Happens i think your sweat eventually evaporates .. its not bad or anything but if you don't sweat at all that's bad .!

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Check a site called sweat solutions for your answer.

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Why does sweat smell bad?

certain sweat may, yes, smell bad. sweat comes out of your pores, and is used to cool down your body when you are hot. yes sweat smells bad Seat has phenolic compounds which are odor active, however, bad smell is due to the growth of microorganisms. Bacteria grow by utilizing sweat based compounds, and water content of sweat Body temperature, 37 C, is also very conducive to the growth of microbes. In fact, after a good 30-40 minutes run if the runner wipes his/her body clean of sweat, then the body would not smell too bad. On the other hand, if one lets sweat evaporate over the time (say a couple of hours), he /she would smell very typical of what we associate with bad body odor. This, indirectly show contribution of external factors such as microbes in bad body odor.

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