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Q: Is it bad to have burning hot farts for 7 days in a row?
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Is having hot farts possible?

i dont really know what you mean by "hot farts" either the temperature hot or the sexy kind of farts but i dont think that is possible to have a sexy hot fart but it is possible to have temp. hot farts.

Do dsl filters go bad?

Mine just gone bad. It smells like burning wire, and hot too.

How do you cure a burning sensation during bowel movements?

This is generally caused by a recent meal of hot peppers or related spices. The oils associated with these foods remain intact and active all the way through one's gastrointestinal system. These oils can also generate hot farts.

All you think about is Twilight Is that bad?

i think ( for me) twilight is NEVER EVER bad 'cause it is sooooooooooooooo hot these days

How do igneous rocks form at hot spots?

The lava volcanoe shoots the igneous rocks out of it and then it farts hot spots

What are openings from which hot steam gases ashes etc are ejected from the moon?

The openings from which hot steam, gases, and ash are ejected from the moon are known as volcanic vents or fissures. These openings allow material from beneath the surface to escape onto the lunar surface, forming lava flows, volcanic cones, and other volcanic features.

Do farts stink more in hot weather or cold weather?

Farts can potentially be smellier in hot weather due to increased humidity and higher temperatures, which can intensify odor. In cold weather, the air is typically drier, meaning that the smell may dissipate more quickly.

What is the white stuff under sun burn?

If it's a bad sun burn than it can be puss, or just skin. Ever wonder why your skin feels hot when you have a sun burn? That's your lower skin layers still burning, it can last for days!

Hot water available if it sits for a couple of days after that no hot water Is the thermostat bad?

If it is an electric hot water tank, you more than likely have a burnt out element

How hot is gun powder?

When it burns, as hot as a burning match.

How does a mink live?

by living with jason bowen and drinking hot cheese and snifing farts with a female mink

How does turning the hot dogs keep them from burning?

By turning the hot dog frequently you alternate the surface temperature keeping it from getting too hot which often is the cause of burning.