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Q: Is human urine bad to inhale?
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Are human urine fumes bad to inhale?

No, it is completey fine just do not get carried away.

Can the smell of dog urine give you pneumonia?

Not unless you inhale the urine itself.

What is the percentage argon do human inhale and exhale?

we inhale 14% and exhale 9%

Is human urine bad for cats?

1. yes 2.why would your cat be near human urine 3.flush the toilet if your cat drinks from it

What does the human exhale and inhale?

Humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon di oxide.

Can human urine get you sick?

yes because its not for humans to digest and it smell really bad

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If you smoke weed but not inhale would it still show you your urine?

Nope.P.S. Stop wasting weed.

Can you use noxious in sentences?

Do not inhale noxious gases, they are bad for you

If you were smoking weed but did not inhale will you pass a urine test?

yes you can because cannabanoids attach to fat so if you dont inhale you probably will pass and also if you are around smoke it will not make you fail.

What will cause a faulty urine test for cocain?

diabetes liverdisease kidney didease amaoxicilllan tonic water lab error human error switched urine bad luck procaine, novacaine

Why is cat urine fluorescent?

It isn't. Cat urine is not fluorescent, and it does not glow in the dark. I'm not sure where this myth comes from. Cat urine is yellow, like human urine. To the naked eye, it is indistinguishable from human urine, except for the smell. Cat urine is ammonia-based (unlike human urine) so it smells of ammonia.