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Honey can help with a scratchy throat. It sooths it.

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Q: Is honey good for coughs
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Related questions

What remedy cure coughs?

Try Honey.

Who likes honey?

i do honey is so so good

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Honey with cold milk is good or bad?


Are honey calories good or bad calories?

Honey is full of sugar so there are a lot of empty calories in it, however, all the sugars in honey are natural so it's good for you.

Is honey not good for a diabetic person?

Honey is useful for any diseased except death

Why do bees eat honey?

The reason why bees eat honey is because it taste good.

What makes coughs?

Coughs can be catched by someone else if that same person in the room as you has a cough and they don't use a tissue then the micrpbes of the germs will pass on to you.

What are good names for girl bees?

A good name would be Honey.

Is it good to call a girlfriend honey?


What is the best honey?

they are all pritty good

When someone coughs or sneezes what are there spreading?
