

Best Answer

I think it is, why don't you try it!

Just get 2 tea spoons of Honey, mix it in with hot water (until it devolves)

and it will relax your bones, and also it helps A LOT with tickle coughs!

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Q: Hot water and honey for sleep?
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What is the best drink to drink out of tea milk and honey or hot water with lemon?

Honey and hot water, less caffeine.

How can you remove Honey from wood?

Try Hot Water.

Why does honey dissolve faster in hot water than in cold water?

Honey dissolves faster in hot water because heat increases the kinetic energy of the water molecules, allowing them to break down the sugar molecules in honey more quickly. The higher temperature also reduces the viscosity of honey, making it easier for it to mix with the water.

Honey and lemon juice with light hot water after jogging help to reduce fat?

It is a fact that honey and lemon juice with light hot water after jogging will help reduce fat. Make sure you do not boil the honey just put it in warm water.

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What do you take when you cough?

cough Suryp drink plenty of liquids and always get enough sleep

Why mixing honey and hot water become like jelly?

The volume of water is not sufficient.

What can you take for a cough?

Drink hot lemon water with honey added.

Why honey dissolve more rapidly in hot water than in cold water?

Honey is a supersaturated solution, meaning it contains more dissolved solute (sugar) than a saturated solution at that temperature. When honey is added to hot water, the higher temperature causes the molecules to move faster, increasing the speed of the dissolution process. In cold water, the slower molecular movement makes it harder for the sugar molecules in honey to break apart and dissolve.

Does honey become toxic when put in hot water?

No.a toxic substance cannot be produced from honey. Second Answer: As per Ayurveda, honey becomes toxic when mixed with hot water. It imbalances the Doshas and causes energy loss. Please do not mix with hot water or alcohol.

What is lukewarm honey?

Lukewarm honey may be honey that is warmed in tea or hot water. This is used for medicinal purposes to treat sore throats and colds.

How quick is the effect of drinking hot water with lemon and honey?

2 hrs