im not really sure exactly but from my perspective i think it is good in ways and bad in ways. its good because it kills germs on your hands, but its bad because for children that use it and then num on their hands or bite their nails they get this real nasty taste from it and i think that it might be toxic, so it has its exeptions....
It is bad because your hand is scared of that something that it hit. Your hand should learn to be brave in future
I dont believe second hand Marijuana does anything bad to the baby when you are pregnant. Second hand smoke from Tobacco is infinitely worse for you than second hand Marijuana.
Hand jobs have absolutely nothing to do with growing height.
I couldn't understand this question, what does it mean
Pump it out with a hand pump.
Not unless your hand is full of poison ivy! Not unless your hand is full of poison ivy.
No, it isn't bad. Scissors on the other hand... don't run with those. :)
Depends on how bad you cut it and even then it just depends where at on your hand you cut..
buy photos that also hand made and buy bad hand wittind
Very bad things, fool.