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Fresh ginger root or about 4 grams of dry powdered ginger per day sprinkled on some sweet food benefit the health and quality of the skin by giving it a fresh glowing-look, as well as removing free radicals from the body; and so ginger helps us to stay younger and healthy. As for it being an aphrodisiac, if you have an healthy body and healthy mind and feel happy, you will naturally want to do sex with a woman and enjoy this illusion of sensual contact with a woman, but in realty there is no such thing as an aphrodisiac: the amount of intense thrill you get from sex really depends on have a strong erotic imagination from looking at a naked shapely female with nice silky white skin. I have recently started taking about 4 grams of dry ginger power sprinkled on a jam tart each day. I am slimming at the moment, and I have noticed my face looking fresher and my skin looking fresher too; but it does not cause me to yearn for the comforting and glorious feeling of lying on top of a woman and doing sex. Such feeling depend on my imagination alone. My only conclusion is that taking ginger daily will probably give you a more optimistic mind and healthier body, as well as more confidence to do foreplay with a new girlfriend and less anxiety. Anxiety and lack of confidence in your self with a new girlfriend is the enemy of sex and the cause of failure, and so ginger will certainly reduce anxiety by giving you a healthy mind and healthy body. The best aphrodisiac for sex is an encouraging woman who wants you to do it with her.

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