

Is flagella in the female body?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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No, its a small mechanisms animal-like protists aka Protozoans use to move around. It may be one flagellum or multiple flagella

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Q: Is flagella in the female body?
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Flagella is not a virus. It is a tail-like protrusion of a cell body. A sperm cell has a flagella which is integral to itd locomotion.

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Flagella is formed outside of the cells in the human body. Their main function is to allow liquids to move past the surface of these cells.

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A flagellum( plural: flagella) is a tail-like projection that protrudes from the cell body of certain prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

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Flagella. Flagella Flagellum (flagella is the plural form) flagella

How do protists move?

Ways that protists move:flagellaciliumpseudopodSome protists don't move at all.It uses its flagella. Some like the ameoba don't have a flagella but can move around with their body