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Flagella are whip-like structures that are found in the cell body of some eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. They are mainly involved in helping the cell move but they also act as a sensory organelle.

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Q: Where are flagella found?
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Bacterial flagella.

Where can flagella be found?

Flagella can be found in various types of cells, including prokaryotic cells (bacteria and archaea) and some eukaryotic cells, such as sperm cells. They are long, whip-like structures that protrude from the surface of the cell and are involved in cell motility and movement.

These are singular relatively long whiplike organelles that many unicellular organisms use for motion?

Flagella are long, whiplike organelles found in many unicellular organisms that are used for movement. They propel the cell by generating a whip-like motion that helps the organism navigate through its environment. Flagella are composed of microtubules and are typically found in pairs or singly.

What does a flagella do in your bodies?

Flagella are whip-like structures found in some cells that help with movement. In the human body, flagella are primarily found in sperm cells, where they help propel the sperm towards the egg for fertilization.

Where are cilia and flagella found?

Cilia are found on the surface of many animal cells, where they help with movement and sensory functions. Flagella are typically found on certain types of cells, such as sperm cells, and they help with cell movement.

What organelle can be found in protists But not in eubacteria or archaebacteria?


What cytoskeleton fibers are found in cilia and flagella?


Which cytoskeleton fibers are found cilia and flagella?


Are flagella found in plant cells?

No, flagella are not found in plant cells. Plant cells typically have structures called cilia, which are shorter and more numerous than flagella, and are involved in movement and sensing stimuli in some plant cells.

Do their flagella indicate the front end or the back end of a euglena?

Since the flagella drive the cell, they would be found on the rear.