He had 6 oranges to start with, and ate 2 the first day and 2 the second day.
The daily dry matter intake of a fattening pig, should be around 2 pounds. Any less than this, and they should be eating more wet matter, such as slop, or leftovers.
No one has yet set that record, however there is a record for the fastest time to peel and eat three oranges. That record is peeling and eating three oranges in 2 min and 30 seconds.
The eating guide for the 2 day diet is a comprehensive eating guide that teaches the 2 day diet users about the necessary intake of nutrients. The day diet users can personalize their diet plan.
No, they're a lot more fattening- cheese is fattening, porridge isn't.
2 dozen of oranges = 24 oranges.
2 oranges. 5-3=2
1. go to a friend with oranges in his\her town. 2. vist the town. 3. grab some oranges. 4. go back to your town. (5-7 are for tree's) 5. burry the oranges. 6. Wait for 3 or 4 day's. 7. there they are!.
2 oranges
It depends on the brand and how many you are eating. If you are eating more than 2 waffles a day, no. Although I still wouldn't recommend eating 1 or 2 waffles every day. Just eat 1 or 2 waffles for breakfast, lunch, or dinner occasionally.