The daily dry matter intake of a fattening pig, should be around 2 pounds. Any less than this, and they should be eating more wet matter, such as slop, or leftovers.
Depends on the type of food you are eating!Lentils and lean dry meat dishes are not very fattening, creamy kormas and ghee based dishes are very fattening, but also very nutritious
There is no cut and dry answer to this question. It completely depends on your current daily caloric intake and your activity lever. However, a pound is 3500 calories. So, by cutting back 500 calories a day, you can expect to lose a pound a week.
nothing will offset the fattening effect you would be getting from the vodka, but if you mix it with things like orange juice or clamoto (with the rest of the ceasar ingredients) itll make it mildly healthy.
The dry matter is the remaining substance after the removal of water. Dry matter in milk is composed of butterfat, proteins, minerals and lactose.
no they will dry out if you dont drink enough pop
Yes, dry jello is still considered matter. (Its a solid if it keeps it shape)
Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxode, CO2.
it does matter if a cats nose is dry because it could be very sivk so you shoud get a vet to look at your cat!!!
ive never heard of suck a thing. they could be referring to rather air (dry) or wet (gas) is going threw it. if its not that, then they are talking about NOS, which i dont know much about lol
not a Honda but a Chevy astovan should i install wet or dry?
Use lotion