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That's an interesting one. My bloke used to rub his thumb against the sides of his index fingers unconciously when we first met. I'd say it might be a tell or a nervous habit of sorts. I wouldn't say it's a sure fire way to know he's attracted to her, but more like a sign that he's thinking about it- if he's doing it unconciously.

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Q: Is continuous knuckle cracking a subcontious sign when a guy likes a girl?
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What if he stares at you and you catch him and he continues to stare and he knows you like him?

AnswerObviously he likes you too. You should find out for sure though have a friend ask him for you.AnswerI've done this to a girl, all I was doing was messing with her. It's such a good feeling to make a girl blush. He definitely likes you. I liked the girl I was staring at. This is coming from a guy, FYI.AnswerThat's funny. Ive done the same thing to a guy but we both started cracking up. I liked him too. This is coming from a girl FYI.

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