colourless urine not a sign of something harm taking place in your system. More water u take more colourless your urine will be.It is actually a sign of being healthy and proper choice of food.
Because signs of blood in you urine can be a sign of something serious.
Urobilin can be degraded into urochrome, which is normally present in urine and responsible for its characteristically yellow color.
Ammonia is colorless, however, it has a strong, pungent odor that is often described as similar to cat urine.
yes. the oily and dark urine is sign of pregency.
its react with bromine water or idone and turns the solution colourless. not clear colourless...more scientific..haha
The colour of urine in diabetes (both, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus) is very very pale yellow (almost colourless). This is because diabetes is characterised by polyuria ie, increased volume of urine output, which is majorly due to increased excretion of water from the body, the quantity of pigment urochrome (which gives the normal pale yellow colour to urine) remaining the same. This makes urine in diabetic patients more pale, almost colourless
Blood, proteins, and sugars are absent from the filtrate and urine of a healthy adult. If any of these are present it is a sign that something is not right and should be addressed right away.
Yes, blood in urine can be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI).
Protein in the urine can be a sign of kidney damage or disease because healthy kidneys filter waste products from the blood but prevent proteins from being filtered out. When the kidneys are not functioning properly, proteins can leak into the urine. This condition is called proteinuria and can be an indicator of various kidney problems.
Because the kidneys are supposed to prevent the loss of things essential for your body, such as protein.
it may be a sign of pregnancy or it may not be .... you can't be sure until you've taken a pregnancy test!
Yes, blood in urine can be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI).