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Blood, proteins, and sugars are absent from the filtrate and urine of a healthy adult. If any of these are present it is a sign that something is not right and should be addressed right away.

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Q: Substances absent from filtrate and urine?
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What are three substances that are absent from the filtrate and urine of healthy individuals?

If protein, glucose or white blood cellsappear in urine, it's a red flag.

List three substances that are absent from the filtrate and urine of healthy individuals?

WBC's (pus) Glucose, bile pigments or blood proteins :)

Substances that are absent from the filtrate and urine of healthy individuals?

The two things that might indicate problems in health would be proteins and glucose. Proteins in filtrate or urine would indicate a possible kidney infection and glucose would indicate possible diabetes.

What are two substances that are found in the filtrate but not in the urine?

Ions and nutrients

What the difference between filtrate and urine?

The main difference between filtrate and urine is the chemical composition of the two. Filtrate has almost all the substance that blood plasma has except blood proteins while urine only contains waste substances.

WhaT is the difference between filtrate and urine?

The main difference between filtrate and urine is the chemical composition of the two. Filtrate has almost all the substance that blood plasma has except blood proteins while urine only contains waste substances.

What are two substances that are routinely found in filtrate but not in the urine product?

Ions and nutrients

Where does secretion of substances into the filtrate occur?

Secretion of substances into the filtrate occurs primarily in the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting duct in the nephron of the kidney. This process helps in regulating the composition of the urine by removing additional substances from the blood and adding them to the filtrate for excretion.

List two substances that are routinely found in filtrate but not in urine product?

ions and nutrients

What is theΒ  main function of the proximal convoluted tubules in urine formation?

reabsorption of most of the required substances from the filtrate

What is the main function of the proximal convoluted tubules in urine formation?

reabsorption of most of the required substances from the filtrate

Why is glucose present in the glomerular filtrate but absent in the urine?

Glucose is absorbed in the nephron of the kidney, if it is present in very high amounts or unable to be reabsorbed, like with diabetes, it will be present in urine.