Boogers are not poisones they are just GROSS!! i have a 2 year old brother and he eats his boogers and there is no problen with him so your fine.
No, Ladybugs are not poisonous.
No they do not produce venom.
yes it is posinus!!!!!!
There is no word for the fear of boogers
Everyone has boogers.
anything that has a nasal cavity will have boogers
Yes, horses do have boogers but there boogers is way up in the top of there nose where it first starts and there boogers is very larger than a humans so yes they do.
I don't believe anyone sells boogers.
Boogers Are My Beat was created in 2003.
No, If you ever find one on your hand that means you have good luck.
No, apart form the giant species that live on the island of Komodo.