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It depends on how you look at it. Yes, authors these days and the years before have portrayed popularity as a sign of a selfish being, but in truth you can be popular for different reasons. If you are only popular for the amount of money your family has, it's good or bad. Do you brag about it, flaunt it and show everything the new Prada purse that you have and they don't, just to make them jealous? That's bad. Do you keep it quiet by wear it proudly, masking the fact that you're rich by kindness and great grades with your amazing personality? That's good. If you are only popular because you're dating the strongest guy? Again, good or bad. If you're a bit too young, maybe bad. If you're definelty the right age, not the only one with a boyfriend and he treats you perfectly and is kind to your friends, good!

You need to judge on the popularity greatness, because only you can truly decide if it's right or wrong.

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