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Q: Is being drunk a high risk?
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What is so bad about being drunk?

Being drunk is bad not only are you putting your health at risk but you are putting others at risk due to actions you may do because of loss of self control. Drunk driving would be terrible.

What does it mean to get lit?

It means being drunk or high.

To what extent is being drunk or high seem as an acceptable reason for otherwise unacceptable behavior?

It isn't. Being drunk or high is choice someone makes. The consequences of their actions are not excused by poor choices.

What are the risks of being a drunk driver?

Driving drunk is a very serious matter. If you drive drunk you are at a much greater risk for an accident and you could injure yourself or die in a car crash, injure or slay some one else, destroy property (yours or other people's) and there is also the risk you run of being caught by the police.

What gives the user a quick high similar to that of being drunk?


What is health risk advice?

health risk advice is when someone smoke and they get drunk . people get drunk because of the alkohol

Can you actually get high from marijuana if your drunk on alcohol?

Yes, also known as being "combo'd"

What is the difference between being drunk and a marijuana high?

Being drunk is being under the influence of alcohol, and being high is being under the influence of harmful drugs. Depending on the drug, both have pretty much the same effect: Impaired vision, loss of focus, disturbed behaviour, and impaired/loss of consciousness.

What are short risks to using alcohol?

You get Drunk and drive drunk and risk your life

When was Drunk 'n' High created?

Drunk 'n' High was created on 2006-06-27.

When combining drugs and alcohol it is known as?

A lot of people refer to that as being crossfaded, or when you're both high and drunk.

What are example of consequent?

The consquences of being a drug addit are dying, lying, getting high or drunk. Acting differently.