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Q: Is abstinence the best way to prevent STDs?
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What is the best way to protect yourself from getting STI?

The best protection against STI, is by use of a condom, or total abstinence.

What is a complex sentence for abstinence?

I don't drink alcohol because abstinence is my way of life.

Is there any way to prevent HIV?

If properly worn and used before any genital inter-contact, yes. Pre-ejaculate and other bodily fluids can harbor STDs, although infection (or pregnancy) is far more likely to occur from unprotected sexual intercourse.

What is the death rate of alcohol related diseases?

100% OF DRINKING ALCOHOLICS DIE. FACT. abstinence is the only way to prevent an early and painful death due to alcoholism.

What is the only way to eliminate your risk of sexual transmitted infection?

Abstaining from sexual activity is the only 100% effective method of preventing STDs because it is the only method for which all sexual contact is avoided. If you do not have contact sexually, you cannot get the STD. All the other methods involve some type of sexual contact so none is 100% effective.

How is encopresis prevented?

The best way to prevent encopresis is to prevent constipation

What is the best way of stopping a girl from getting pregnant after ejaculation?

The best way to stop a girl from getting pregnant is to take steps to prevent the pregnancy in the first place by using birth control. There are lots of options: the depo-provera shot or birth control pill for her, condoms, spermicide, etc. Condoms are your best bet because they will protect her from pregnancy and protect you both from STDs

What is the best way to prevent byssinosis?

Eliminating exposure to textile dust is the surest way to prevent byssinosis.

What are the release dates for Walk This Way - 2013 Abstinence 1-4?

Walk This Way - 2013 Abstinence 1-4 was released on: USA: 23 April 2013

Why is abstinence the best choice for teens?

While abstinence is the cheapest and most guaranteed method of avoiding pregnancy, it's not the only way. By teaching of different methods to avoid pregnancy and also giving precautions on the dangers of STDs, teenagers will, for the most part, get the message. Give them the information they need and let them make their own moral decisions. Anything that happens is their responsibility and they must live with it.

What is a good sentence for prevent?

Hand washing is the best way to prevent the flu.

What is a sentence for the word abstinence?

The health teacher told us that the only 100% effective way of preventing pregnancy was to practice abstinence.