Using exhaust hoods, improving ventilation, and employing wetting procedures are very successful methods of controlling dust levels to prevent byssinosis.
D. Honeybourne has written: 'Byssinosis' -- subject(s): Byssinosis
Byssinosis is a chronic, asthma-like narrowing of the airways. Also called brown lung disease, byssinosis results from inhaling particles of cotton, flax, hemp, or jute.
Tests that detect decreasing lung capacity during the workday are used to diagnose byssinosis.
Therapy for early-stage byssinosis focuses on reversing airway narrowing.
Peter Neild has written: 'Byssinosis' -- subject(s): Byssinosis, Workers' compensation
As many as 25% of workers with byssinosis have symptoms that continue or recur throughout the workweek.
The best way to prevent encopresis is to prevent constipation
Hand washing is the best way to prevent the flu.
Reducing exposure is essential. Any worker who has symptoms of byssinosis or who has trouble breathing should transfer to a less-contaminated area.