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If you are concerned about your health, you need to make an appointment to see a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor) about your problem. The internet is NO PLACE to obtain medical advice.

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Q: Is a lump in the hip after a fall dangerous?
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Is the lump on you're arm dangerous?

no it is part of your bone

Analogy bruise fall bump?


Large lump on your hip its hard hot red does anybody know?

It sounds like you have some inflammation on your hip joint. I couldn't say for sure, but as always, I say see a doctor.

What is the analogy for bruise is to fall as bump is to wound or lump or knock or limp?

It is Knock

What is a Large hump lower side of above hip?

A large hump on the lower side of the hip could possibly be a lipoma, which is a non-cancerous fatty lump under the skin. However, it is important to consult a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Did the Alamo fall?

Yes, the Alamo did fall but a few years after that they rebuilt it. In fact the lump it has at the top didn't use to be there. Before After

What do well hip mean?

Well hip is a terminology that is often used for hip replacement surgery procedures. The hip is located between the thighs and the stomach area. Most people may have hip surgery if they have a slip or fall and have broken their hip.

Your dog has carcinoma fibrous cancer it is a larger lump and growning if it burst will he bleed to death it is located on his hip right side?

you should take your dog to the vet in fortwayne and show the the lump to the vet and this will cost about $200.

What is a hard lump that does not move on the lower left side of back?

what is a hard lump that does not move on the lower left side of the back what is a hard lump that does not move on the lower left side of the back That would be your hip

What is a small lump on side of face?

A sebaceous cyst possibly. Not dangerous, but consult your physician. A sebaceous cyst possibly. Not dangerous, but consult your physician.

Why is snowbording dangerous?

It is dangerous because you could fall and break your leg or die and that is dangerous.

Why is tap dancing dangerous?

because if you fall you will fall in the sinklmbo