really its sugar water with lemon flavor
A lemon is acidic so a low pH is expected. The pH of lemon juice is about 2.0, which means this fruit is highly acidic.
The most acidic Starburst flavor is typically the lemon flavor. Lemon is known for being a sour and tart fruit, which translates to an acidic taste in candy form.
concentrated lemon juice has a pH of about 3 making it the most acidic fruit
Fruit juices are acidic - pH under 7.
The ingredients used in making custards are not often acidic in nature, with the exceptions of fruit custards such as lemon or lime.
Lemon. :)
Amanatsu is a citrus fruit that is grown in Japan.
No, lemons contain an acid, I think in was Citric Acid. Anyway, it contains a little bit of alkaline
Tagalog translation of lemon fruit: limon
FruitIt contains seeds.a lemon is a fruit but can be considered a vegtableA lemon is a fruit because it has a seed....the fastest way to tell if something is a fruit or veggi is if it has a seed, if it has a seed it is a fruit :)