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It depends on the individual.

If you have a poor heart rate, then no - daily sex can be dangerous. Nobody wants their parter dropping dead on top of them.

Sex can also lead to sexually transmitted diseases. Some of these diseases may permanently scar or mutilate your private bits. Others will make you infertile and incapable of ejaculating or having a child.

Constant sex can also tire out the nerve endings in the penis, causing erectile dysfunction.

Having sex constantly every single day will also cause friction to your penis or the walls inside your vagina, making intercourse too sensitive or mildly painful for a few days.

Other than that, sexual pleasure from intercourse or masturbation has been proven to reduce the chances of developing Heart disease, reduce stress and burn a lot of calories.

You will need to figure out for yourself how much sex is "too much".

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Q: Is a daily sex good for health?
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