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Water based lubricants are more pleasant but petroleum based will do.

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Q: Is Vaseline a good conception lubricant?
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Is Carmax the same as Vaseline?

Carmax is a car dealer and vaseline is a lubricant-so no.

What is the best lubricant for drum lugs?

I use Vaseline and it works great

What is the best rubik's cube lubricant available in India?

i dont know.......vaseline?

Is Vaseline good for hand jobs?

You can use it but I would recommend a lubricant designed for use during sex. Vaseline is petroleum based and probably not the best thing you could use. Below is an article on lubricants and how to choose the right one.

Does vazaline have peanuts in it?

Vaseline does not contain peanuts - it is a type of petroleum jelly. It is used as an ointment and lubricant.

What lubricant should never be used because they can make a condom break?

baby oil, and vaseline.

What can you use as a rubber lubricant?

You can use a silicone-based lubricant or a specialized rubber lubricant, such as silicone grease, to lubricate rubber components. Avoid using petroleum-based products like vaseline, as they can degrade the rubber over time.

How do you use anal dildos?

First cover the item with a lubricant or if don't have lubricant use vegetable oil or Vaseline (petroleum jelly). Then insert the item slowly into either your or your partner's anal hole.

Is wax a good lubricant?

Yes! Wax is a VERY good lubricant!

Is Vaseline better or olive oil for sex action?

Neither as both can cause infection. Don't be cheap and buy proper lubricant if you need it

Why can't you use Vaseline as vaginal lubricant?

Vaseline is petroleum based, and can break down condoms, also you don't want anything petroleum based in the vagina because of the sensitivity of the tissues and the exposure to chemicals (you wouldn't drink gas would you?)

What can a 12 year boy Old use as lube?

Talcum powder, lanolin oil, are good. Body lotions are pretty good, but makes you smell like a girl. Vaseline is good, but messy to clean up. K-Y jelly (a sexual lubricant, not something you eat on toast), or something similar is excellent.