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Cramping is normal during pregnancy and could persist. It could also be a sign that the baby is in distress or that you are having false labor pains. You should go get an ultrasound to make sure that the baby isn't in distress. If the cramping is sever then it could be preterm contractions. If the cramping gets worse and closer together you should go straigh to the hospital and have an ultrasound or to the labor and delivery room at the nearest hospital straight away.

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Q: Im about six weeks pregnant and you are experiencing cramping Is this normal?
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No,its not normal unless yu do sumthin yu not sopposed to do like yu kno wat but no its not normal..any more dam questions

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Yes, it is normal. What you are experiencing may be Braxton-Hicks contractions. These contractions are "practice" for the real thing. If you are experiencing period-like cramping, you should call your doctor. If those cramps become regular (time them) or if your water breaks, go to the hospital.

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I don't know if it is normal but I am experiencing the same thing! I also have cysts, I am wondering if it was a false positive pregnancy test! sometimes if the test is neg you can still be preg but usually when its positive, its positve.

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go to the doctor dummy

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This all looks quite normal at the moment. The cramping is probably just because the uterus is growing rapidly at this time.

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Probably completely normal. If the cramping gets severe or the discharge changes to brown or red call your doctor. A good resource online for info about baby related things is Hope this was helpful

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