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if i read correctly, it's the first month you stopped using the pill, and your 6 days late with your period. Well, possibilities are is that your body was very used to taking the pill, so it's used to the routine of you taking the pill, and getting your period whenever uour supposed to get it. It may also be because when taking the pill, your period lasts a few days shorter than the average lenght of an average woman without taking the pill, meaning yours can last from 3-4 days, while an avergare woman without taking the pill can be 7-8 days. It's possible that your cramps are coming back because you haven't been using the pill, and your period will maybe come later on. The pill also stops cramps, so without you taking the pill, your body will be getting cramps again. Other possibilities are is that when you stress a lot about something, you can get a late period, or since you haven't been taking the pill, if you are sexually active, you may be pregnant. Consult a doctor, they always know best. Good Luck!

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Q: Im 6 days late first month of not takin the pill im getting cramps but no period this is my first really late period?
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When your period first starts it is really irratic so it coming really close together or far apart is normal. It will even out eventually.

Should you exspect your period after your first cramps?

No, you won't have cramps until you start your period.

How do you know when you are going to start your period first time?

well when you notice you start getting really bad cramps a lot and you start spotting is really when you first start thinking that you might be getting your period and if u get a check up from the doctor about it and she? she can tell you when they think you might get it soon nobody can tell when there menstruation will come even the doctors can't

Can you be pregnant and get your period and have cramps?

No, you can have cramps and spotting at the time for your first period after conception but not full menstrual flow.

Can you have cramps and not start your period when your pregnant?

Yes, but after the time for your first period after conception they are probably not uterine/menstrual cramps but from other causes.

How do you know your period is starting?

You can know when you start getting cramps (when your bladder hurts) and when blood starts to come out of your vigina. Your first period is the worst. You have a lot of blood and get terrible cramps. Sometimes you feel your gonna faint. Your period usually last for 3 to 7 days. A week at the most.

K i think I'm getting my period for the first time n I have had these signs like craving chcoclate stouchmach cramps and sometimes my vagina kills out of no where do u think I'm getting my period soon?

Those are definitely signs of getting your period, but you might have such signs for quite a while before your period starts. It just depends on your body. I personally had cramps and all those signs once a month for a few months before the bleeding actually started. Good luck!

Can you be pregnant while you have period cramps?

Yes, but usually only at the time you would have had your first period after conception. After that it's normal to have pregnancy cramps but they're not normally menstrual cramps. If you are asking whether you can get pregnant during your period the answer is, it's very unlikely.

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Do the first 3 days of pregnancy feel as though as you'd be getting your period?

When I got pregnant I had what I thought were menstrual cramps right around when I was expecting my period, so of course I thought my period was about to start. Then it never did. Apparently this is caused by the uterus cramping in preparation for the growing baby. I doubt you'd get these kind of cramps right after conception.