this is an assighnment you need to answer it yourslef
Try to make him feel secure, men need that as more as women do.
It is important to make customers feel welcome in a place of business because they need to feel comfortable. If they are not comfortable, there is a chance that business may lose them as a customer.
If you have bred the mice yourself the baies need to be 4 weeks old. If you have bred them yourslef the babies need to be at least 4 weeks or more before you can give them away.
If you want to make him feel bad, when he doesn't already, you're wasting your time. You need to move on.
Not if they feel the need to ask WikiAnswers!
You need the plural (no apostrophe). Make teachers feel they have a choice.
Because idiots need some one to make feel bad it makes them feel good.
I doubt if they need to purr but you can mke them pur by stroking them and making them feel happy and relaxed.
The full riddle is: Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys it, has no use for it. Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it? The answer is: A coffin.
Try and talk to her, tell her how you feel. And try and talk to your Dad about how you feel too.
You need to show her the best you can and tell her just how attractive she is to you.