not at all but there's a complication that will happen to your body.
i dont know 3?????
You could be constipated. See a doctor.
An averege person poops 3 times a day to once in 3 days
3 days and 3 hours, it takes that long to go through your intestines and come out
Green poop can be dangerous in massive amounts. If you poop once a day for a week and you have green poop 3 out of the 7 days, that's fine. But if you take a poop and plug the toilet with green poop than that is too much. You might want to get yourself checked for the swine flu cause you probably have it
you may die in about 3 days! please dont starve urself! anorexia is a serious problem!
well it depends how long your story is i you want it to be long and really good i dont think you can wright a story in 3 days but is its short and you dont want it good you can do it in three days!
in 3 days
No, There is not.... YET!
NO YOU should poop 3 times a day
3 days
because if you dont it will get grose