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Q: How long before you die of dehydration?
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What would a person die from what quicker than he would die from starvation?

A person would die of dehydration before starvation.

What will happen to humans if they do not drink?

Death by dehydration is what happens when humans do not drink water. If a human does not eat or drink, they will generally die from dehydration before starvation.

How long does it take to die by dehydration?

It takes to at least 3-5 days. Dying of dehydration is very serious but very uncommon in the united states.

Could you die from dehydration?

Yes. Dehydration will cause dizziness and disorientation. Eventually your organs will shut down and you will die. After drowning, dehydration is the primary cause of death of people that are lost a sea. People that are trapped often die of dehydration.

How long does it take for a person to get dehydration?

Not sure, but if a human goes 3 days whithout water they will die.

Can albino rat die of dehydration?

of course nearly all mammals can die from dehydration that includes rodents

How long can a star fish survive out of water?

Star fish can survive about 5 days out of water. Then they will die from Dehydration.

How long can you go without drinking water before experiencing dehydration?

On average, a person can survive without drinking water for about 3-5 days before experiencing dehydration. However, this can vary depending on factors such as age, health, and environmental conditions. It is important to stay hydrated by drinking water regularly to prevent dehydration.

If we didn't have water would we die from dehydration?


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Why do Amazonian's need water?

because otherwise they will die of dehydration

What was the generally accepted European idea of a westward Atlantic journey to asia in the time of columbus?

The crew would die of starvation and dehydration over such a long trip.