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Not sure, but if a human goes 3 days whithout water they will die.

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Q: How long does it take for a person to get dehydration?
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How do you treat dehydration?

Take the person in to shade and then give them water, little sips at a time.

Can dehydration kill a person?

yes dehydration can kill a person very quickly.

How long does it take to die by dehydration?

It takes to at least 3-5 days. Dying of dehydration is very serious but very uncommon in the united states.

Can dehydration effect the way a person talks?

Dehydration will eventually affect the brain, so sure.

What is dehydration in cooking terms?

Dehydration means to take the water out or to dry out a food item.

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How long does it take to love a person?

Not long. It depends on your feelings about that person.

How can you treat deyhdration?

sit in front of a fan, and drink plenty of liquids. If a person is pased-out because of dehydration take them to a hospital immediately.

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Dehydration mostly..

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Depends on the person, very similar to coke. You get dehydration and paranoia not the best come down since it can last a long time.

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How are dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis reactions related to monomers and polymers?

Yes! Dehydration is the combining of two or more molecules while producing water. Hydrolysis is the addition of water to a molecule to split it up into smaller molecules. Hydrolysis is to Degradation as Dehydration is to Synthesis. Matter of fact, it is usually called Dehydration Synthesis!