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It's usually normal. Your periods can be irregular sometimes when starting Birth Control and when you first get off of it. It happens to a lot of people including me. I wouldn't worry they eill get back to normal.

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18y ago
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13y ago

Completely normal.

Actually, 3-5 days is normal &7 days is the HIGH end of normal. Make sure you discuss this with your Women's Health provider, and take a daily vitamin with iron if a whole week of menstruation is normal for you.

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14y ago

Yes it is normal if you are still in your teenage years, early 20's or have only recently started having periods. Seeing how you have asked the question it seems perfectly normal. My friends once lasted up to 10 days. If you are really worried about it you should go see a doctor or talk to your parents about it.

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9y ago

If your first cycle lasts 7 days and then two days later it is back again, you may consider seeing a doctor. You could be pregnant, or there could be something else going on.

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15y ago

If you're asking if its normal to have a 7 day menstrual cycle the answer is yes.

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12y ago

Yes i think so that's happend to me before.

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12y ago

Yes, they can last that long, it's not unusual. But if it's very heavy flow for the whole seven days every month, it would be a good idea to have a blood test for anaemia.

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Q: If the length of menstrual bleeding is 7 days after menstrual cycle is that normal?
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The contraceptive implant prevents the normal menstrual cycle. Some women have irregular bleeding, and others have no bleeding at all.

What is length of menstrual cycle?

The length of a typical menstrual cycle is 28 days, with slight variations considered normal.

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You don't have a normal "menstrual cycle" when on Mirena, although you may have vaginal bleeding. Pregnancy with Mirena is unlikely whether or not you are bleeding.

The average length of the menstrual cycle?

The typical menstrual cycle length is around 28 days long, but everyone is different. Menstrual cycles will not always be the same length, up to a weeks variation from your average cycle is normal.

What is the usual length of the menstrual cycle?

The typical menstrual cycle is around 28 days in length, but this varies from person to person so it can be longer or shorter. It's also normal for there to be up to a weeks variation from the average menstrual cycle.

What irregularities can disrupt a normal menstrual cycle?

These include amenorrhea, or the cessation of menstruation, menorrhagia, or heavy bleeding, and dysmenorrhea, or severe menstrual cramps.

What happens in a 28 day menstrual period and what kind of phases occur in a period?

About once a month, the uterus grows a new, thickened lining (endometrium) that can hold a fertilized egg. When there is no fertilized egg to start a pregnancy, the uterus then sheds its lining. This is the monthly menstrual bleeding (also called menstruation or menstrual period). The MC is measured from the first day of menstrual bleeding, Day 1, up to Day 1 of your next menstrual bleeding. Although 28 days is the average cycle length, it is normal to have a cycle that is shorter or longer.

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Various things can happen to cause bleeding outside of the menstrual cycle. For example, it is possible for sex to cause bleeding.

What is the length of a normal period?

5 days. Yes the bleeding lasts for 5 days and it occurs every 28 days. the 5 days is referred to as the bleeding phase and the 28 days is the average menstrual cycle.. ---------------------------------------------------------Recommend if u like this....

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A menstrual disorder is a physical or emotional problem that interferes with the normal menstrual cycle, causing pain, unusually heavy or light bleeding, delayed menarche, or missed periods.

What does the menstrual cycle start with?

The menstrual cycle starts with menstruation. The firswt day of your menstrual cycle is considered to be the first day of true bleeding during your menstrual phase.

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Bare in mind that the Depo stops your menstrual cycle for several months - you may experience irregular bleeding while on the Depo. Once you come off Depo it takes time for your hormones to regulate again to have a normal menstrual cycle, during this time menstruation can be heavier than normal due to hormonal imbalance.