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5 days. Yes the bleeding lasts for 5 days and it occurs every 28 days. the 5 days is referred to as the bleeding phase and the 28 days is the average menstrual cycle..

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Q: What is the length of a normal period?
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i never had a problem with smoking marijuana on my helped me feel better. My blood flow was normal and the length was normal. so in my experience it doesnt matter.

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Although strange things can happen, it would be extremely unlikely given the combination of a very long cycle length and the apparently normal period.

Your period lasts for 2 days only is it normal?

A period lasting for 2 days can be considered normal for some individuals. However, it's important to track any changes to your menstrual cycle and consult with a healthcare provider if you have concerns about the duration of your period.

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The normal length of a finger is measured in inches.

When the length of a pendulum increases what will it effect on the time period?

The period is proportional to the square root of the length so if you quadruple the length, the period will double.

Is it normal to have only a three day period?

Yes, a three-day period can be considered normal for some individuals. Period length can vary from person to person and is influenced by factors such as hormonal changes, stress, and overall health. If you have concerns about your menstrual cycle, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider.

How does the period of a pendulum change for length?

The period of a pendulum is directly proportional to the square root of its length. As the length of a pendulum increases, its period increases. Conversely, if the length of a pendulum decreases, its period decreases.

How does the period of the oscillation vary with its length when the length increased?

The period increases too.

What is the normal length of a cookie?

There is no 'normal' length but if you are making them make them about 5-10cm in diameter

Is it normal for a period to be more than a week late?

It's not exactly normal for a period to be more than a week late, but common. Unless you use fertility awareness method you don't know when your period is due, you can only predict it based on your average cycle length - anything up to a weeks variation from your cycle is normal. There are also lots of reasons such as stress or sickness which can delay menstruation.

Does length of the pendulum affect its period?

Technically and mathematically, the length is the onlything that affects its period.