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Assuming that you are taking potassium related to a diagnosis of hyopkalemia then you need to continue to take the potassium until your Health Care Practitioner discontinues the medication or lowers it. He/She will probably order blood tests to measure the level of potassium in your blood and prescribe medication accordingly. Sudden drops in Potassium can actually be life threatening since it can cause heart irregularities.

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Q: If taking 20meq potassium chl what amount should be taken after levels are normal?
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How much potassium gluconate should you take for low potassium levels due to Hydrochlorathiamide?

If you are taking hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), the diuretic, it may cause you to excrete potassium in the urine that must then be replaced in the diet to keep your blood levels normal. Often doctors will suggest you include a high-potassium food each day, such as a banana or a glass of orange juice, or potatoes. If this does not keep your potassium blood level normal, then you may be prescribed a potassium supplement. How much YOU need depends on YOUR blood test (because it depends on how much HCTZ you are on and what amount of potassium is normally present in your diet). Your doctor will adjust your potassium supplement based on monitored blood tests to keep your blood potassium level within normal range. You should not try to take an amount that you guess will work based on what someone else takes. This needs to be a prescription from your MD!

What are the levels of potassium in humans?

The normal range of potassium levels in the blood for adults is between 3.5 to 5.0 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L). Abnormal levels of potassium can indicate various health conditions such as kidney disease, heart problems, or dehydration. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for interpretation of specific potassium levels in an individual.

What level should serum sodium be at?

The normal levels of serum potassium are 3.5-5.0 mM

Is 5.9 high for potassium?

A potassium level of 5.9 mmol/L is considered high and is known as hyperkalemia. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and management as high potassium levels can have serious health implications.

What is the effect of antidiuretic hormone on potassium concentration and excretion?

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) increases water reabsorption in the kidneys, which leads to decreased urine volume and increased urine concentration. This can indirectly affect potassium concentration by altering the electrolyte balance in the body. However, ADH does not have a direct effect on potassium excretion.

Should I be concerned about my Potassium level being 2.8?

YES. A normal potassium level is 3.5 to 5.5. You should definitely talk to your doctor about this.

Does antibiotics affect potassium?

Only some antibiotics can increase potassium in your body. Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim (Septra or Bactrim) and pentamidine have been known to increase potassium levels. If you are not taking either of those, your antibiotics should no effect on your potassium. If you are taking one of these drugs and your potassium levels are already high, you should contact your doctor and see if he or she wants to change your antibiotic to a different one.

What can you eat to lower your potassium?

Thank you for the correction. See link and article information below. ------ Correction: I'm not sure, metabolically you have correctly answered this. I'm not a doctor or anything even remotely close but what I can tell you is that sodium and potassium do cause reactions but not as stated above. Low sodium levels cause High potassium and High sodium Levels cause Low potassium. If a person has be diagnosed with HIGH potassium then greater than 5.0 mg then they should go to their doctor. There are many things that can contribute to high potassium so I would verify this first. here are some articles to back my information:

If you have low levels of potassium should you consume a lot of Gatorade?

No, not unless your are planning on sweating alot. Gatorade has a great amount of sodium (salt) in it. A much better alternative would be bananas. bananas are FILLED with potassium. (dont binge though. You know, they do use potassium to put death row inmates to rest.) Another good source of potassium is sweet potatoes.

What is normal TSH level?

TSH levels show ranges. For newborns TSH normal levels should be: 3.0-20 mIU/L. For adults up to age 60 TSH normal levels should be: <10 mIU/L For adults older than 60 TSH normal levels should be: Males: 2.0-7.3 mIU/L Females: 2.0-16.8 mIU/L

What part of your body does potassium effect?

Potassium plays a crucial role in maintaining proper muscle function, including the muscles of the heart. It helps regulate nerve and muscle function, fluid balance, and blood pressure in the body. Imbalances in potassium levels can lead to muscle weakness, cramps, and irregular heartbeats.

What lab value to assess prior to giving potassium chloride?

Serum potassium level should be assessed prior to giving potassium chloride, as administering additional potassium to a patient with already elevated levels can lead to hyperkalemia, which can be life-threatening.