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Some drugs aren't eliminated by urine, or aren't eliminated as an the active drug. Some transformations (metabolize) can change drug configuration and make it untraceable as the active drug in urine. You should dose the metabolite if you wanna trace it.

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Q: If drugs show up in the blood why don't they also show up in the urine during an autopsy?
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How do you determine cause of death is drug overdose?

Blood and urine are drawn during the autopsy and sent to the lab for toxicology reports.

Do they do a autopsy if you die in a car accidents?

An autopsy IS done when people die in car accidents unless the accident was un-witnessed. The reason is because the person investigating the death (medical examiner) has to know if the undividual was under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. This is tested in the blood and urine.

Drugs stay in your blood longer than urine?

If you search the internet you'll find out that drugs stays longer in The urine Tham blood.

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Drugs, Urine Drugs, Urine

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During autopsy, the medical examiner will sample blood,urine, or hair follicles to determine the amount of drugs in the body. Certain levels can be deemed as accidental, while higher levels are deemed intentional overdoses. The drug taken to cause death is also taken into account (morphine, oxycontin,etc).

What is urine toxicology and blood testing?

its checks blood and urine for existence of drugs. sometimes stomachs, sweat, or salvia are checked.

What samples are taken from athletes to test for drugs?

Urine, blood and hair are commonly tested for drugs.

Do drugs show up longer in blood or urine?

Drugs show up in urine longer than in blood. When ingested, the drugs are metabolized and to complete the circuit through the liver and kidneys and then excreted. The process of elimination is longer than the time to circulate the blood.

Are drugs traced in a blood test?

Some are, but urine samples are more common.

How long does shabu or illegal drugs stay in urine and in blood?

5 days??

Does menstruation affect a urine test?

urine test during menstruation reveal presence of blood in urine and red blood cells

Will drug contaminated menstural blood show up in clean urine on a urine drug test?

If I understand the question if the blood has drugs so will the urine. If you are trying to switch samples that will just get you into more problems.