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If you search the internet you'll find out that drugs stays longer in The urine Tham blood.

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Q: Drugs stay in your blood longer than urine?
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How long does shabu or illegal drugs stay in urine and in blood?

5 days??

Does darvacet stay in blood system longer than in urine test?

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Can regular blood tests detect THC?

Depends, are they testing you for drugs? If so, THC can stay in your blood for days, even weeks (hair and fat are MUCH longer [3 months-ish]), so yes. If they aren't looking specifically for drugs, they won't find any traces.

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How long can benzodiazopines be detected in blood test?

They stay in your system longer then any drug they can show up in urine up to30 days.

How long does crack stay in your hair?

Crack cocaine can stay in your hair for up to 90 days depending on the length of your hair and rate of hair growth. Hair tests for drugs can detect a history of drug use over a longer period compared to urine or blood tests.

How many days drugs stay in your body?

The exact timetable for how long drugs remain detectable in urine, blood and saliva tests is almost impossible to determine. The reasons for this is that every body intake and out take is different.

How long does crack stay in a pregnant womans urine?

You are requested to stay away from drugs, specially during pregnancy.

Does marijuana stay in your blood longer then urine?

No, marijuana typically stays in detectable levels longer in urine than in blood. THC, the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, can be detected in urine for up to 30 days, while it is usually detectable in blood for a shorter period, typically up to a week.

How long does Vicodin stay in saliva?

Vicodin stays in the saliva for about 3-4 days. However, it can be detected in the blood stream, urine, and hair follicle for much longer.

How long does 2 grams of marijuana last in your system?

Almost any amount can stay in your system for up to a month. unlike most drugs, its fat soluble so its detectable in your blood and urine.