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Assuming the units are the same in each case, they weigh exactly the same; neither weighs more. A person's sex does not change physical laws applying to them.

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Q: If a man weighs 295 and a woman weighs 295 who weighs more?
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If a man weighs 295 and a woman weighs 255 who weighs more?

all in lbs or kilos?

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A 200 pound man weighs more.

What weighs more an elephant or a man?

An fully grown elephant weighs much more than a man.

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Man more intelligent, but woman is more focusing and more consternating.

Who weighs more a man or a women?

It varies depending on the specific individuals. In general, men tend to have more muscle mass and bone density, which can make them weigh more than women of the same height. However, weight is just one measure of health and does not determine overall well-being.

How long can a fat woman sit on a man before he dies?

It depends how much she weighs

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A man is more prone to a relationship on the side than a woman. However, it is not always the man who has an affair. Sometimes it is the woman.

How much should you weigh if your 5 ft and 3 inches?

For Women- A typical weight for a woman who is 5'3" and has a small frame is 111-124 lbs. A medium framed woman typically weighs 121-135 lbs and a large framed woman usually weighs 131-147 lbs. For Men- A typical weight for a man who is 5'3" and has a small frame is 130-136 lbs. A medium framed man typically weighs 133-143 lbs and a large framed man usually weighs 140-153 lbs.

Which weighs more the world fattest man or the worlds fattest pupink?

The world's heaviest man typically weighs more than the heaviest animal, such as the largest elephant or hippopotamus. It is important to note that it is unhealthy and dangerous for individuals or animals to reach extreme levels of obesity.

Who is more talkative a man or a woman?

a woman a woman talks for hours about the day and stuff

Why can't a woman be more like a man?

we are what we are!

Are their more dominant traits coming from a man or woman?

A woman generally has a higher voice and a man usually has a courser or scrapy voice.