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maybe but in most cases he could just be a jerk and honestly think that girl is ugly

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Q: If a guy calls you ugly then does he like that girl?
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When a guy calls a girl he was seeing an ugly, skinny rasher. It means that he is upset or angry with that girl.

Can girls like an ugly looking guy?

Sure! any type of girl can like an ugly guy. (he just has to shower often) :)

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then the girl has a crush on him my girl calls me cute and i used to not like it but im ok with it now

What does it mean when a guy calls you a grenade?

it means your UGLY!

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It just means she thinks the guy is ugly. It means that the girl likes the guy...I'm a girl so that is what i would do sometimes to get attention from the guy i like.

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They like them dir da dir.

How can a ugly girl get a guy to like her?

its all in your head. But i guess we are all here for advice, getting a ugly girl to make a guy like her, because of her personality or her wittyness, or maybe even her mind and keenness to detail. they can be funny witty and refreshingly originalim ugly its possible i like a guy and he likes me but im waiting until we turn 14 because that's when i can start to dateI'm a guy and I would NEVER date an ugly girl, no matter how nice; only hot girls.I'm a guy and half the girls i know think their ugly but, are pretty okay or even cute. ( Don't listen to the guy up top he's prob a jerk anyways )

Is jess in the dominos commercial a guy or girl?

Its a girl an ugly girl but still a girl

When a guy calls you girl?

He likes you.

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it means that the girl is in a creamy sauce and is shaped like a meatball

Should you call your broyfriend or wait until he calls?

AnswerWait. Guys don't like a lot of phone calls.Actually it depends on the guy. As a guy myself if a girl called me I wouldn't mind. I think its perfectly fine if the girl calls the guy.

Is it when a guy calls another girl who isn't his girl babe or baby a guy who you cant trust?

i wont like it, but then some people are just like it, talk to him and see how he feels if you did it?